
Computational Assessment Tasks and Tools for Scoring Language Pefromance in patients with Aphasia.</h3>

Automatic Scoring Tools for Automatic Scoring of Spelling and Phonology

These two tools enable the automatic scoring of phonology and of spelling performance. They run on Terminal. To download these apps visit: Citing the apps
  • To cite the spelling assessment app, please cite the paper: Themistocleous, Charalambos, Neophytou, Kyriaki, Rapp, Brenda, & Tsapkini, Kyrana (2020). A Tool for Automatic Scoring of Spelling Performance. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research. doi:10.1044/2020_JSLHR-20-00177
  • To cite the Phonological Assessment App: Themistocleous, Charalambos (2021). A Tool for Automatic Scoring of Phonological distance.
IPA4 Word Repetition App

Word Repetition App is employed by clinicians to test ST memory. The application plays a lists of sounds of semantically related words (clothes, appliances, etc.) and asks the participant to repeat these sounds. During the repetition phase the software records the production. The process repeats five times except if the clinician decides to modify the number of repetitions.

IPA4 Word Repetition Span App

Word Repetition Span task may consist of word repetition or non-word repetition. Both spans begin at List length 2 and ceiling at List length 5. For this task, the computer will say a string of words or non-words for the participant to repeat in order. The clinician then copies the participant's responses in the order they were offered. This task assesses the ability to repeat single words and single non-words. Depending on the accuracy and types of errors, it is sensitive to deficits of input and output processing

NLP_Editor NLP Editor

NLP Editor is a simple text editor that enables the linguistic analysis of texts. The current version allows users to convert text in Greek to IPA, count words, etc.

  • To access the source code of the project, visit: NLP Editor.
IPA4 Phonetics IPA

Phonetics IPA is a platform for the linguistic analysis of texts in a Text-Editor-like environment. The current version allows users to

  • type text in Standard Modern Greek orthography and convert it to IPA.
  • type text in Cypriot Greek orthography and convert it to IPA.
  • create lists of words in reverse order for dictionaries.
  • analyze texts using the implemented regular expressions engine (currently only the windows version).

It was originally written in C# for Microsoft Windows; these versions are not under development any more. (There is also a newer version written in Python for testing; see details below.)

You may cite the software as follows:

Themistocleous Charalambos (2017). IPAGreek: Computational Greek Phonology. [Computer program]. Version 3.0, retrieved 21 August 2017 from

Themistocleous, Charalambos (2011). Computational Greek Phonology: IPAGreek. The 10th International Conference of Greek Linguistics. Komotini, Greece.