Sickness is an impediment that affects the body not what you choose to do (…) choose to follow this for all the things that happen to you: because you will realize that it impedes something else and not yourself. Epictetus

Aphasia is a language disorder affecting a person’s ability to communicate. It is caused by damage to the brain’s language centers, typically resulting from a stroke, brain injury, or neurodegenerative conditions.

ASHA defines aphasia as an acquired neurogenic communication disorder that impairs the comprehension and production of spoken and written language and the ability to use language effectively for communication. It involves deficits in one or more language modalities, including phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, and pragmatics.

Aphasia can manifest in several ways depending on the specific areas of the brain affected and the severity of the impairment. It can impact both expressive language skills (such as speaking and writing) and receptive language skills (such as understanding spoken and written language). The specific symptoms and severity of aphasia can vary widely among individuals.

Treatment for aphasia typically involves a comprehensive approach that includes language therapy, communication strategies, and augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) techniques. The goal is to improve communication abilities, enhance quality of life, and help individuals with aphasia participate more fully in social, academic, and vocational activities.